Category Archives: Promotions

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2013 Holiday Coloring Contest


Print or download the coloring page here!

Who doesn’t love a good, old-fashioned coloring contest? This event is open to everyone. There are no age or location restrictions. Just print this cute lil’ owl page with your home printer, work your creative magic, and submit your beautiful artwork to be admired. Feel free to use any media your heart desires (crayons, pencils, markers, pens, paint, glitter). The sky is the limit!

How To Enter
Mail your finished masterpiece to:
PO Box 985
Metamora IL 61548

Please be sure to include your contact information including your e-mail address and/or return mailing address.

1st Place: $20 Buttonhead gift code
2nd Place: $10 Buttonhead gift code
3rd Place: Surprise button pack, hand-picked for you by Buttonhead

Gift codes can be used toward any items available at or No restrictions! You’ll be able to use your prize toward custom goodies or anything in my retail line.

I 100% guarantee that I will love and appreciate every submission. My 3 very favorite coloring pages will be announced on December 16, 2013. All entries received on or before 12/15 will be considered for prizes. How will I be judging? Well, let’s just say I’m looking for that certain ‘je ne sais quoi’. The more creative, the better, but I also have a strong appreciation for the simplistic, so just have fun, and let your fingers do the rest!