Halloween! It’s the best time of year, hands down. I love everything about it, from the décor – to the costuming – to the artwork it inspires! So, I was absolutely thrilled and honored to make these Halloween-themed pocket mirrors. I literally could not stop admiring the artwork as I was making them!
Stephanie Buscema is a New York illustrator and painter with a fantastic flair. Her artwork is vintage-inspired, but with a modern twist! In these Halloween designs, you can really feel the mid-century and circus poster inspiration.
If you are like me and grew up spending hours with your nose inside of those fabulous old Golden Books, I think you will appreciate Stephanie’s style right away. Here also is a photo of a few mirrors made with a rockabilly-meets-Golden Books vibe:
… and there is so much more of her amazing artwork to gaze upon! Check out Stephanie’s shop on Etsy, and why not follow her on Facebook and Twitter too?