Category Archives: Studio Journal

Photo blogging the cool stuff that flies out of our studio.

Harry Potter Wedding Pins – The Hogwarts Houses!


I’m so geekily proud of these Harry Potter wedding pins we made for Nick and Michelle!

Life is funny sometimes. Last Sunday night, I was having trouble sleeping, and out of the blue, I had the idea of downloading an audio book to listen to. I had been interested in the HP series for a while, so I thought now would be the perfect time to give it a try. The very next morning, I woke up to an e-mail from Michelle, asking if I could create a set of buttons to represent each Hogwarts house for her Harry Potter wedding next June. Of course, I jumped at the idea! Michelle and Nick provided the crests, and I added text, along with each house’s background stripe colors.

This has definitely been one of my favorite projects all year long! I’m happy to say, Michelle and Nick received and love the pins – and I finished Book 1, watched the movie, and am listening my way through Book 2 right now! 🙂