Category Archives: Custom Temporary Tattoos

Do Temporary Tattoos Expire?


As I was browsing back through my portfolio of custom made items, I came across this set of wedding tattoos I made for a marriage that took place exactly 1 year ago today on July 16, 2014! As I recall, we made these in November 2013, so it’s been about a year-and-half since I snapped a photo of this happy home design.

People often ask: “Do your temporary tattoos expire?” I’m always happy to say: No, not really. They are surprisingly resilient! Their only natural enemy is extreme heat and humidity. I still have tattoos in my personal collection from 2008. They’re over 7 years old and still work like a charm! You should definitely use your own discretion with non-Buttonhead brands, but our tats really do keep beautifully.