Category Archives: Custom Buttons Pins

Rotary International Button Pin Exchange


Last week, we made a big batch of buttons for Rachael as part of the Rotary international button pin exchange. She is soon going to be participating as an exchange student representing Battle Creek, Michigan (aka Cereal City!). Part of their program is having Blazers and trading pins with everyone from all over the world. So, I worked with Rachael to create a custom design that would represent her home town and country in red, white, and blue. It was such an honor to help, and I hope everyone enjoys the buttons. It’s thrilling to think of so many people from so many places wearing something we made here at lil’ ol’ Buttonhead!

Special thanks to Rachael. Best of luck and safe travels to you!

If there are any other Rotary international exchange students out there who would be interested in a similar project, please feel free to contact. I’d love to work with you!