Author Archives: Ali

Beginning July 1, 2022, I will no longer be accepting custom orders.

March 7, 2022

Dear Long-Time Buttonhead Customers,

Beginning July 1, 2022, I will no longer be accepting custom order requests. Please be assured that for the next 5 months, I will continue to fill all custom orders as usual with no change in service, but then the custom product listings will be removed. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

The good news is: Buttonhead is stronger than ever! Markets for my retail product line have been booming over the past 3 years. Unfortunately, this has left less room for custom fulfillment, which also requires more production time, more on-hand inventory, more packing and shipping, and more digital resources. Ready-made retail products bring me higher profits with less investment, and leave me with more time to spend with my family.

Please know that this has not been an easy decision for me. I’ve played a small part in your birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings, and businesses for 14 years now. I am truly grateful for that, and I do hope you keep in touch and check back for updates. I am looking forward to the continued evolution of my business, especially as my daughter and husband become more involved in new ways.

Best wishes to you all for your joy and success.
