Custom-Packaged Temporary Tattoo Favors
I’ve been making temporary tattoo wedding favors since 2008. Never have they looked so amazing! First, we create a personalized tan color card, which displays a non-mirrored version of your tattoo art, plus any custom text you’d like. Each card is precision-cut, scored, hand-folded in half, and securely stapled to the top of the tattoo bag. The finished favor is bona fide fabulous!
Basic vs. Dress It Up Custom Packaging
As always, each and every tattoo arrives to you individually packaged with a set of instructions. We call it ‘Basic Packaging’, which is included with every single order. For weddings, parties, and events, we offer the ‘Dress It Up’ option to add flair and a finishing touch to your tattoo favors. Here is a comparison of the two packaging options side-by-side:
Whether you’re in need of a simple, budget-friendly tattoo or a fabulously dressed up party favor, we can tat-up your event like no one else!